You can arrange membership subscriptions, miscellaneous payments and donations on this web page. Please select the payment you wish to make below and you will be directed to our secure online payment facility managed by Worldpay. If the amount you wish to pay cannot be found in the standard membership payment options below, please use the Miscellaneous Payments section at the bottom of this web page.
Please note that our membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December. Payments received during a membership year will be assigned to that membership year (and subsequent years if a multi-year payment) unless the member is in arrears or is already paid up for the membership year. For members who are paid up for the membership year, the payment will be applied to the following years. For members who are in arrears, a payment for the current membership year and the previous membership year (i.e. a payment for 2 years of membership) will be considered sufficient to clear all prior arrears and return the membership to good standing.
Whilst the EAJS Administrator makes every effort to update membership records promptly after payment, it may sometimes take a few days (or longer if the Administrator is away).