Jour fixe

The EAJS Digital Forum offers each year a series of online meetings for all interested in Jewish Studies and the Digital Humanities. The Jour fixe is dedicated to the presentation of a tool or method and the discussion of its wider implications and purposes for projects in Jewish Studies.

Jour fixe in 2024:

17 May: Prof. Jan Rybicki (Jagiellonian University), “Stylometry analysis of literary texts”.


Jour fixe in 2023:

24 March: Ophir Münz-Manor (Open University of Israel), “Text Analysis and visualisation with CATMA / vis-À-vis”.
To receive a zoom-invitation, please register here.

Jour fixe in 2022:

28 January: Avi Shmidman (Bar Ilan University / Dicta, Israel), “Digital Humanities Tools for Jewish Studies Research: The Dicta Website”.

25 February: Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra (EPHE-PSL, France), “eScriptorium: A Digital Infrastructure for the Manual and Automatic Analysis of Manuscripts, Inscriptions and Print”.

25 March: Thomas Kollatz (Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mainz), “A (Very) Short Introduction to Digital Editing with Text Encoding Initiative”.

27 May: Oleksii Chebotarov (University of St. Gallen), “Jews on the Move: Digital Mapping Approaches to the History of Jewish Migration”.

The upcoming jour topics and dates will be announced in the EAJS Newsflash.