The EAJS Conference Grant Programme in European Jewish Studies
The EAJS runs an annual programme each year to fund academic conferences and summer/winter schools on themes relevant to Jewish Studies. The purpose of this programme is twofold: to foster cooperation among scholars involved in Jewish Studies across Europe, and to support early career researchers in this field to develop a professional network. Academic excellence and the impact on network building in Jewish Studies across Europe are key criteria, and international cooperation in the development of proposals is strongly encouraged.
The Call for Applications for the Programme is announced on the EAJS website and in the monthly members’ newsflash at the beginning of the calendar year. The main applicant must be a fully paid-up Full Member of the European Association for Jewish Studies.
The academic events supported by this Programme must be hosted by a university or similar academic institution based in a European country and must be scheduled to occur between 1 September of the application year and 30 August of the following year